Monday, October 1, 2007

The weekend

These pictures are of Kerwin in his pipe cleaner football jersey and me in the hat and scarf I knitted for my mom. Kerwin took the picture. Not bad, I think.

We had a normal weekend except I was a little lethargic. I'm getting a little burned out on hotel life and I've got a touch of "traveler's stomach". I've been here since June and haven't gotten in yet, then all of a sudden this week. And I don't think it came from anything outside the hotel. Kerwin seems just fine as always. We went to church on Sunday but besides that we stayed at the hotel all weekend. We are looking forward to Mike coming down on Wednesday. We hope to hear that our passport has been made today.

On a different note, I am always surprised to find out who has been reading this blog. I never had any idea that anyone would look at it besides family and close friends. But it has opened up this whole world of contacts, especially adoptive parents. One mother from the Netherlands wrote me and said, "Adoption world is a small world." I have found this to be very true. So I wanted to ask, if you read this blog regularly and I don't know you yet, would you drop me a line in the comments or send me an email to This is only for my own curiousity and to connect with others out there and for no other reason. So thanks for reading. My plan is to update this through our return home and our transition as a family into American life. Kerwin will also have a unique experience due to his special needs. Until next time...


Alex said...

I know you, but I thought I'd still say hi. We're praying for you. Don't worry, you didn't miss softball this year, as Mike probably told you, no team, Chris was helping out with his sons team. Come back home soon.

The Tall Frys & Small Frys said...

I am a "lurker" and I love to read your blog. I'm not sure how I found it, but I am an adoptive mom too. My husband and I have three children in Haiti (legally ours since April, but ours in our hearts since April 2005). We've had a very long wait; now waiting to get out of MOI. I'm so very happy to hear your good news this week! Congrats! Our blog is if you'd like to check us out--or lurk as I have done:). Yes, the adoption world is very small. Many blessings to you all!
Kristie in PA

Anonymous said...

Yes I lurk on your blog :)
I am Alisha we are adopting Matthew from Children Of the promise orphanage. We recieved our referral of Matthew in Sept. of 2005. We just received news Fri. that Matthew is out of MOI! I am glad to hear you are at the end of being held hostage and will be released soon!
From Oregon

Anonymous said...

Hi! I got your blog address from my sister, Raegan (I'll out her too...she reads as well:) We live in Hong Kong now and are adopting our daughter from China ( "Madeline Kelley"), so I'm always happy to find other adoptive families back home in Lexington. I'm praying for you guys and for Kerwin. He has such a "glow" about him and a gorgeous smile...and I love the pipe cleaner creations!
Retta (and Jonathan) Kelley

Lindsay said...

Hey Rebecca, I've also been reading for awhile, but never "introduced" myself. My name is Lindsay, I'm from Versailles and I've been to NWHCM four times and I absolutely love Kerwin! He was my buddy on my trips in 2005 and 2006. It's so great you found each other, I'm so happy for you all and would love to meet you sometime. God bless and I hope you make it back to Kentucky soon!